Fempreneur: Business of Future


  • Anisha Verma Scholar, Department of Business Administration/SRM Business School, Lucknow. Author
  • Anushka Singh Scholar, Department of Business Administration/SRM Business School, Lucknow. Author
  • Saurabh Kumar Singh Assistant Professor/ Department of Business Administration/SRM Business School, Lucknow. Author


This exploration highlights the contribution of Fempreneurs - Female Entrepreneurs - otherwise referred to as women entrepreneurs. They are standing with the time and are likely applied in business. The present endeavors do inform us about the challenges experienced by female entrepreneurs along with the opportunities that have opened with modern business enterprise. In this modern era of globalization and liberalization, the method has been indistinguishably seen in our country with some key note that allows women to other this attention. Due to unabated increase of living costs, women need to engage in economic activities to support their families. As working women, they have proved that they are worthy in whichever domain they decided to viably choose.

They have taken courageous steps to penetrate into traditionally taboo areas of entrepreneurship. Women have acted as genuine risk taking entrepreneurs to gain economic independence and achieve high status within society.

.The study mainly indicates just how the reading of female races into business grows, what we can create to develop more what women sisters initiated as Fempreneurs. Women today cannot remain confined primarily to the house. It cannot be confined to these areas; women’s entrepreneurial abilities are evident in various areas, including the industrial sector. Women have come a long way and this really is the time to build and fly Women Entrepreneurship high. Women tend to carve their way into business for one main reason: women need new challenges and develop innovative business ideas. I happen to be a woman, and would like to add this- we think of serenading other competitors, that is, we like to challenge male competitors: comparison made by many on how we, as women, cannot thwart them or cannot rise above them of their own stereotypical mindset and think that we can’t deal with their business. Hence, the start is to slowly build up the core of this age to understand the fact that women have rights to stand on par as men do. Women are also scalable in attributes, which comes from family values as they leave one family to join another and then adopt that culturing which helps them in coexisting.


