Literature Reviews and Reports on The Necessity of Contemporary Training Programs


  • Brijesh Rajput Research Scholar, Maharishi University of Information and Technology, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. Author
  • Sapan Asthana Associate Professor, Maharishi University of Information and Technology, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India Author
  • Sapan Asthana Associate Professor, Maharishi University of Information and Technology, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India Author


Training programs,, Effectiveness of modern training,, Attitude of employees towards modern training,, Employee job satisfaction


Reviewing the literature on contemporary training and development programs used by private organisations is the main

goal of this paper. The rationale behind the research is justified by the literature review. It provides more details of prior

studies briefly. A literature review helps to identify the gap which we can fill by our research. It also helps to find and select

appropriate measurement instruments. It also helps to identify the suitable sampling method and questions to be asked

in questionnaire. It is needed for a researcher to have a deep literature review because then only he can do a true research

and do something new in his research. It saves a researcher from duplicity. In 2010, Fink described a “literature review” as

a systematic assessment of existing data that identifies, assesses, and synthesizes for explicit presentation. In 2009, Grant

and Booth identified fourteen types of reviews used in degree-granting and advanced research programs, defining their

characteristics and methodology. According to Hart (1998), a “literature review” produces two outputs: the presentation

of data, ideas, information, and evidence to express perspectives on the nature of the issue and the methodology to be

followed in the study.

Author Biography

  • Brijesh Rajput, Research Scholar, Maharishi University of Information and Technology, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.



